Easy Blink Eyeshade


This new super-slim eyeshade is lightweight and washable. Plus it’s “blink-able”. Ingenius, right? We know no one likes to feel their eyelashes hit their eyeshade. Made of micro fleece, this ultra comfy eyeshade with Lights Out coverage helps give your eyes the indulgence of luxurious rest and relaxation… We value travel comfort because we value experiencing everyday delight.

SKU: Item_143989 Category:

easy blink eyeshade <div class="descwrpr"><div class="descsubwrpr"><h2>product description</h2><br><p>this new super-slim eyeshade is lightweight and washable. plus it’s “blink-able”. ingenius, right? we know no one likes to feel their eyelashes hit their eyeshade. made of micro fleece, this ultra comfy eyeshade with lights out coverage helps give your eyes the indulgence of luxurious rest and relaxation… we value travel comfort because we value experiencing everyday delight.</p></div></div> travel travel travel accessories sleep accessories eagle creek